matthias ostermann

New Book and the end of a Slack Week

It's been a  pretty slack week of blogging here.  Hopefully things will pick up a bit next week.  Above are some serving bowls I slipped this afternoon after getting a load of pots all glazed and packed into the kiln.  I should have some new work out on Sunday.

I got a great book in the mail yesterday.  It's The New Maiolica by Matthias Ostermann.  It is very well written, as a matter of fact there are a few passages I've come across that I want to post here at a later time.  This book is like a workshop in print.  It's got a great chapter on color and another on brushes and brushwork.  He shows specific techniques and even shows which brushes he used.

I don't think I'm going to switch to maiolica but I do think this book will help my with my deco.

Sadly, Matthias Ostermann  passed away in 2009.  His website is still online and can be viewed by clicking HERE.

In other news, I have been asked by a group of potters to give a workshop in Allentown, PA in August.  I am looking forward to that.

I'm also doing another talk about the Internet in July for a local art co-op.

Off now to get a couple pizzas made.  Have a good weekend everyone!!